Taking time off from everything has given me some time to think about things in general, what have I done so far with my life, what I have wanted to do and achieve but for some reason never got to it ... things that I have postponed and postponed and postponed.
This is a gaming related blog and my posts here have been very chaotic, sometimes with many many months in-between posts... I am going to be posting here at regular basis from now on. Hopefully one post per day, if not at least one weekly post. Seriously.
In past I have also ran a humor website and a movie review site, those are also both coming back in short time. Not decided yet if I will tie all 3 together, but probably will keep them totally separated.
I used to know a thing or 2 about PHP programming but I never considered myself as a programmer. This leads to another thing, that I will be spending time on in near future - re-learning programming in PHP language. Why? Well, when I was in a hospital some time ago, I had a business idea. But like many things - taking steps to make it real - I have been postponing week after week, month after month. As I cannot program, and trusting someone with your business idea is always risky - I decided that I need to learn again how to program and do it myself.
This post sounds little bit as early "new years resolution" and come to think about it, this is exactly what it is.
Its just like american rapper Russ said in one of his songs: F**k It, I Do It Myself